Guristas deal mostly Kinetic and Thermal damage and can be defeated using kinetic. You can find them mostly pestering poor miners of State controlled territories. Guristas are in constant strife against the Caldari State. Guristas Pirates, mostly known for their skull-rabbit logo, were created by two deserters from Caldari Navy: Fatal and The Rabbit.Step up your PVP game by buying EVE Online ISK. Their favorite EWAR modules are Energy Neutralizers. Their ships deal EM and Thermal damage and are most susceptible to thermal. You can find them in Amarr Empire and Khanid Kingdom regions. Blood Raider Covenant - Space pirate cultists, part of Sani Sabik, ancient Amarrian cult, growing more fanatical over time they begun performing blood rituals and were expelled from the Empire.They are weakest to explosive damage with kinetic slugs being the second best Their EWAR of choice is target painting and their damage is explosive and kinetick. Angel Cartel - largest and best organized faction of space criminals, they are active all over new eden but mostly cause havoc in Minmatar Republic controlled zones.It’s best to kill them using also kinetic and thermal ammo. Serpentis - experts of biochem and drug trafficking, active mostly in Gallente Federation regions, their EWAR consists mostly of sensor dampening modules, their ships deal mostly kinetic and thermal damage.The enemies in a combat site will belong to one of six pirate factions in EvE Online Most sites have some percentage of chance to spawn an “officer”, ship with a unique name that is harder to kill, deals more damage but also has a chance of dropping a random Deadspace or Faction module, often unique blueprint copies with multiple runs. The rewards for doing such sites vary depending on the “officer spawn” (the random element) and DED rating (how hard it is).

Combat Sites can be found all over New Eden and just like missions you get from the Security Agents, the type, number and variety of enemy ships found in a specific combat site is always the same for that particular site, with very small random factor (also called “escalations” but we will talk about it later).

Combat Sites are one of two most well known PvE combat activities to perform in “Known space” or “Imperial Space”, other being security missions.