“Before we opened I called a staff meeting and said, ‘We need to make this the best restaurant in the country because any thing else is simply unacceptable.’” he recalls. Two years later, Achatz was unpacking his alginates and anti-griddles at Alinea. His work at the Evanston restaurant earned him a Best New Chef nod from Food & Wine in 2002. After four years with Keller, Achatz returned to Illinois as executive chef of Trio. When he returned to the States he took a commis position at Thomas Keller’s French Laundry-eventually working his way up to sous-chef. After graduating in 1994, Achatz spent four months at Charlie Trotter’ s in Chicago before leaving to eat his way through the three-Michelin-star restaurants of Europe. Achatz worked in family restaurants through high school, eventually enrolling in the Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park, New York. But long before he opened the Chicago temple of modernist cuisine, Alinea, he was just a six-year-old dishwasher at Achatz Depot-his parents’ eatery in Richmond, Michigan. ** Skip this step if you dunked the pretzel in the baking soda bath.F&W Star Chef » See All F&W Chef Superstars Restaurant: Alinea, Aviary, Next (Chicago) Experience: Achatz Depot (Richmond) Charlie Trotter’s (Chicago) French Laundry (Yountville) Trio (Evanston) Education: Culinary Institute of America, Hyde Park As much a thought-leader as he is a revolutionary chef, the name Grant Achatz carries serious weight in the world’s most progressive kitchens. Turn the oven to broil and bake for 5 more minutes to brown the tops.**Another option would be to coat with butter and sprinkle with cinnamon sugar for a sweet version of this recipe. Place on baking sheet and sprinkle with salt. Dunk the shaped pretzel into the egg wash (both sides). In a pie dish beat the egg with a whisk.Again, it's not necessary and we did not do it for these pretzels. This will give you that dark exterior and texture of traditional pretzels. Dunk the pretzels one by one into the mixture for 30 seconds. Optional: You can boil 9 cups of water with 2/3 cup of baking soda.Then bring the ends towards yourself and press them down into a pretzel shape. Cross the ends over each other about an inch from the ends, then twist them over each other. Form the pretzel -Take the ends of the rope and draw them together so the dough forms a U.(We rolled the dough to about 20 inches in length). Roll the dough into a rope with an even diameter.**This measurement does not have to be exact - use however much dough you would like depending on the size of the pretzel that you desire. With a sharp knife, cut the dough into approximately 1/3 cup sections.Knead the dough for about 3 minutes and shape into a ball. Turn the dough out onto a floured surface.** Hint - if you poke the dough with your finger and it bounces back, it is ready to knead. If it is still sticky continue to add up to 1/2 cup more. Add 3/4 cup more flour until the dough is no longer sticky.Mix with a wooden spoon until dough is thick. Slowly add 3 cups of flour, 1 cup at a time.Add salt and sugar stir until combined.You may have some small clusters of yeast that remains. Stir with a spoon until mixed - takes about 1 minute. *You do not have to measure the temperature. Line baking sheet with parchment paper and set aside.Stir with a spoon until mixed – takes about 1 minute. Line baking sheet with parchment paper and set aside.Ģ. I prefer to put as little chemicals into my food as possible, and although this may not be an exact replica of the ball park soft pretzel – there are never any leftovers! So here is to looking forward to those hot summer days with this soft pretzel recipe, and no, we promise not to complain how hot it gets this summer! Soft Pretzel Recipe Ingredients:ġ packet active instant yeast (2 and 1/4 teaspoons)ġ. Many people will tell you that you have to use lye to make the perfect soft pretzel. When you spend that much time at various ball fields, you can’t help at some point to break down and buy a hot soft pretzel – so what better way to think summer than baseball fields and soft pretzels! So this past Sunday afternoon, we decided to “Think Summer” and make Homemade Soft Pretzels! With 4 active teenagers, Jim and I have spent a countless hours, days and even weeks at the ball park. Nice golden color on the outside doesn’t require the use of lye.