Shoots a volley of 3 homing missiles that explode.Can spin around, shooting slow-moving bullets in a spiral fashion.Explodes on death, or upon colliding with the player.They spawn in larger numbers on grassy areas.After a short delay blows a stream of fire in an arc.Explodes into 12 lightning rails on death.Aims at the player indicated by two parallel aiming lasers that fires a stream of fire.Does not explode if within 15 frames of being spawned. A sound plays when he starts aiming and you can see the aiming laser.Aims at the player with a sniper rifle and shoots a fast-moving spread of 3 bullets towards them.Will slowly move away if the player is too close.When killed, drops your weapon if stolen.Can fly over ground and walls, usually towards player's position.Plays a short animation right before its melee slash.Attacks the player with a far reaching melee weapon that can also reflect your projectiles.Highly erratic movement pattern makes it difficult to kill.Spawns more often on the glowing ground.Tries to shoot at the player from behind cover.Uses a Shotgun that shoots 6 red pellets.Unlike the regular Ballguy, it breaks walls near its locaton of death.Explodes when killed or when it comes into contact with the player, firing 20 green projectiles and releases a toxic cloud.Shoots green projectiles continuously while running around.Transforms into a dangerous Super Ballguy when it touches toxic gas.Explodes when killed or when it comes into contact with the player, firing 8 green projectiles around its location of death.Charge will end in an explosion, destroying itself and releasing a final batch of Small Green Rats.When out of rats to spawn (after 4 waves), it will charge at the player if in proximity, breaking walls in its path.Regularly spawns batches of Small Green Rats.Behavior is identical to Rat, but it moves faster.

Chases the player, dealing damage when it runs into them.Charges to the player's location if they break line of sight or if they get too close, destroying walls in its path.Fires venom around itself when it dies.Has two projectile patterns, shooting fast in a straight line, and slow but more spread out.Fires even more venom than the normal Scorpion.Spawns 6 maggots when destroyed or when a player stands too close.It spawns in larger numbers on tainted, muddy sand.Can burrow, resurfaces near player a second later.Spawns when an Overgrown Radiation Canister is broken.Similar to a regular Maggot but drops an extra rad.Fires more frequently when more Bandits are on-screen.Very common enemy, can be found in almost every area.Pickup calculation is always calculated before Weapon calculation. If pickup chance or weapon chance is not listed, it has a 0% chance to drop something. Some enemies can drop multiple pickups or a pickup and a weapon. It also contains the drop chance of pickups and weapons. The Rads/Drop Chance column contains the guaranteed number of Rads (Radiation) that each enemy drops when it dies. Some Elite Variants can only spawn after looping. During the first loop, Elite Variants will not spawn in the first subarea of an area. If a non-IDPD enemy has an Elite Variant listed, the chance that they spawn as that variant is. HP of Bosses first increases by 33%, then by 12.5%. Each loop increases the HP of all enemies by 12.5% up until loop 10. HP of Bosses and other Enemies changes depending on loops. Entering a Crown Vault or the Sewers Secret Area counts as entering a portal and increases the difficulty by one each time you exit them, so you get better weapons sooner but there are more enemies. Difficulty is the number of portals you entered it determines the amount of enemies spawning in the area, the attack rate of enemies, and which weapons start to drop from Weapon Chests and enemies. List of enemies including Bosses, sorted by the area in which they make their first appearance.Īs you progress the game's difficulty increases.